Where Our Members Are

The following table summarizes the Chicon 8 membership international demographics as of August 18, 2022. We’re pleased to welcome our first members from Argentina, Croatia, Egypt, and Pakistan, meaning that we now have members from an amazing 51 countries! This makes us one of the most truly international Worldcons of all time.

Country Adult
Virtual Supporting Total
Argentina 1 1
Arrakis 1 1
Australia 13 15 77 105
Austria 1 5 6
Bahamas 1 1
Belgium 5 4 9
Bermuda 1 1
Brazil 1 3 1 5
Bulgaria 2 2
Canada 84 4 14 149 251
China 7 1 22 30
Colombia 1 1
Costa Rica 1 1
Denmark 1 3 4
Egypt 1 1
Finland 5 7 27 39
France 4 7 11
Germany 13 3 6 43 65
Hain 2 2
High Hallack 6 6
Hong Kong 1 1
Iceland 3 1 4
India 1 2 3
Ireland 9 9 14 32
Israel 2 1 4 7
Italy 2 9 11
Japan 10 4 3 17
Luxembourg 1 1 2
Magrathea 5 5
Malaysia 1 1 2
Mexico 2 2
Netherlands 5 2 13 20
New Zealand 8 5 11 24
Nigeria 1 1 1 3
Norway 1 3 4 8
Pakistan 1 1
Pern 3 3
Philippines 1 1
Poland 2 2 3 7
Qatar 1 1
Russia 1 1
Saudi Arabia 1 13 14
The Shire 4 4
Singapore 1 1
Slovenia 1 1
South Africa 1 1 2
Spain 1 1 12 14
Sweden 11 2 4 15 32
Switzerland 2 1 7 10
Taiwan 1 1
Thailand 1 1
Uganda 19 19
Ukraine 4 4
United Arab Emirates 1 1
United Kingdom 67 7 37 133 244
United States 3,006 174 214 1,091 4,485
Total 3,291 190 346 1,684 5,511
* Includes First Worldcon attendees.
** Includes Young Adults, Teen, an d Child Attending members.

The US state demographics for the 4,485 US members are shown on the following map and table. We are delighted to have members registered from 49 out of the 50 states (plus Washington, D.C., Guam, and US forces overseas).

Alabama (17) Hawaii (9) Missouri (65) Rhode Island (11)
Alaska (11) Idaho (9) Montana (0) South Carolina (8)
Arizona (49) Illinois (746) Nebraska (33) South Dakota (2)
Arkansas (19) Indiana (106) Nevada (27) Tennessee (37)
Armed Forces Europe (1) Iowa (42) New Hampshire (24) Texas (197)
Armed Forces Pacific (1) Kansas (30) New Jersey (64) Utah (19)
California (579) Kentucky (26) New Mexico (34) Vermont (5)
Colorado (108) Louisiana (15) New York (218) Virginia (116)
Connecticut (29) Maine (16) North Carolina (70) Washington (244)
Delaware (15) Maryland (177) North Dakota (2) West Virginia (4)
D.C. (32) Massachusetts (220) Ohio (120) Wisconsin (157)
Florida (97) Michigan (154) Oklahoma (23) Wyoming (2)
Georgia (52) Minnesota (180) Oregon (99) Unknown (37)
Guam (1) Mississippi (4) Pennsylvania (121)