WSFS Preliminary Business Meeting Report (Friday)

Friday’s Preliminary WSFS Business Meeting set debate time limits for all pending Constitutional amendments and Standing Rules changes. No proposed Constitutional amendments were postponed indefinitely (killed). The four proposed Hugo Award eligibility extensions passed without objection. Most committees were continued as currently constituted; however, the Hugo Awards Study Committee was not continued and was thus dissolved, although proposals submitted by the committee will be considered this year. The meeting ran out of time to consider proposed changes to the Standing Rules and the two non-Hugo-Award-related Resolutions, so they will be considered at tomorrow’s meeting.

Saturday’s first Main Business Meeting will start with the elections for the WSFS Mark Protection Committee, followed by consideration of two changes to the Standing Rules (C.1 and C.2), followed by Resolutions D.5 and D.6. After that, the meeting will take up the Constitutional amendments pending ratification, starting with item E.1. If time permits, the meeting will then start considering newly proposed Constitutional amendments. Item F.2 will be considered before F.1. Item F.6 was specifically postponed until Sunday’s meeting, with a provision that it not come up before F.5. All references to item numbers are to the WSFS Business Meeting agenda, which is available on the Chicon website at: 


The Saturday Business Meeting will start at 10 AM sharp in Crystal Ballroom B on the ground floor of the West Tower.

Special thanks to Kevin Standlee for contributing the WSFS report.